Need To Know

We live minutes from the Kings Mountain National Military Park (NP), and I do mean minutes. I can’t begin to count how many times I’ve been in this NP by car, on bike, by foot, or even hiked through using a connecting trail. 

In all those times I’ve never once stepped inside the visitor center. NOT ONCE! Can you believe it? It’s shameful honestly. It seemed like I was only ever near the center when it was closed, so therefore the closest I’ve ever gotten was to peek inside the windows. I was impressed to see how big it was for our tiny town and how nicely maintained. Well you know, for a NP. 

Restrooms + Parking Lots + TrailsVisitors CenterHolidays
HoursOpen Daily 9-5Wednesday-Saturday 10-4Check for Special Hours

Website:  Kings Mountain National Military Park (U.S. National Park Service) (

@weatherspark Click to go to website

How crowded does Kings Mountain National Military Park get?

Sometimes I think I could make a living figuring out how to avoid crowds. I thought that was a natural thing but I know a few people, my husband included, who love to be in the thick of it…..HARD PASS! 

So we visited on a Saturday, I would assume their busiest day of the week, as we pulled into the parking lot I said out loud “this place is packed!!”

My family definitely heckled me for that! By packed I meant there were less then 5 visible people on the grounds and maybe 15 cars in the parking lot, with plenty of available spaces…ok so I’m dramatic, I cant help myself it’s who I am. 

Packed” translation = while you may encounter other people during your park visit, it will most likely not affect your visit or cause you to have to wait at any point.

What’s Ahead…


Visitors center at kings mountain national military park

Explore the Visitors Center


For all my fellow “Pee-Break Professionals” you will want to enter the first building on the right as you come up the rock walk. Very well maintained. 5/5 stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Then head around the corner to the back of the visitors center.


Park ranger dressed in civil war military outfit at km national military park

Who doesn’t love a little dressup?! Its my favorite and I will turn anything into a dress up opportunity and if I continue this blog long enough you will see that first hand! But anyways back to the point…Ha! There was a little fella dressed in his historical military outfit. He was willing and waiting to answer any questions on the battle of KM or his displayed muskets and accesories. Great opportunity to… 

Learn Something New Every. Single. Day.


After you do just that enter thru the double doors into the bookstore. At the time I’m writing this they are still requiring masks, so if you don’t have your own some are provided for you. They reacess each week so your visit may very well be maskless. The Bookstore is a good size, spend a few mintues exploring the titles. Also available here are America the Beautiful Passes

Cancellation Station

Due to my discovery of the National Parks Passport Book the day before, I was determined this would be our first cancellation in our passport. I mean, it had to be! We live here for goodness sakes!! You also collect two cancellations at this park, one for the NP and one for Overmountain Victory. This is also a good opportunity to purchase extra pages, accessories, and stamps for your passport if you need it.

Lily + Reese collecting their first cancellations.


In the back of the bookstore is a small amphitheater. A film describing the events that unfolded at the battleground play on loop. Check with a ranger to see when the next film starts. Then head back out to the bookstore and turn left for the museum.


Museum in visitors center

You could easily spend 15-20 minutes in the audio exhibits, and checking out all the artifacts recovered from the battleground. If you are like us then you will make it through in 5 minutes or less. 🙄My kids were on a mission to head out. So to the trail we went.

Walk or Run the Battlefield Trail

Map of battlefield trail

The trail is an easy ~1.8 loop and is a squishy pavement that is comfortable to walk on with any type of shoe. Darin wore walmart crocs. I opted for hiking boots (purchase them here) and they were overkill for this walk, buuuutt I needed to break them in. Just look at those purple laces, I’m in love! 💜

Purple trails

As you walk/run the trial you can choose to do a cellphone tour and stop at all the viewpoints along the way to get a better persepective on the battle that took place. This trail also doubles as a historical tour.

The Battle of Kings Mountain occured on October 7th, 1780

Around October 7th is the best time to visit.

Each year they mark the anniversary with special events.  These include lantern tours (reservations required), Living History Interpretors, and more. 

Growing up everyone I knew called this NP “The Battleground”. While writing this I had to ask my friend why in the world do we call it that?! I always assumed it was an official name, welllll after a couple texts back and forth I decided that its just what we locals do, a little locals insider tip for ya there. Ha!

Bike or Run Park Road

The NP sits directly beside the State Park, 2 Parks within 3 miles of one another!

Park Road is very peaceful and is roughly ~6 miles from the National Park Welcome sign to the State Park Welcome Sign. Drivers who come thru here know to expect cyclists, runners, hikers, and horseback riders. So i would be very comfortable with my children riding their bikes down this road. When i cycle for exercise this portion is the most relaxing to ride thru, but beware there is a good bit of elevation change. So while it may be peaceful it’s still a challenging workout. 


The NP has a campsite that is a 3 mile hike from the visitors center. If you’re looking for RV campsites or tent sites that don’t involve a hike I would check out the state park next door.

Take a Picture at the Visitor Sign

Finally as you head out in either direction, stop by for a picture. There are two! The signs mark the beginning and the end of the NP. The one that is furthest away from the state park has a pulloff for easier access to the sign. I love this 

I hope this post helps you plan your visit to our small, but beautiful national park and inspires you to explore new places. Until next time Keep Adventuring! 💜

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