Purple Trails on Route 66 in Kingman

Are you like me? Do you like to know EXACTLY what you’re getting yourself into?

I mean every. dirty. detail.

Pinterest is my BFF and I found myself at times spending countless hours researching our next destination, to the point of my Husband threatening divorce! (Ok I’m kidding, good to learn early on…I’m dramatic)

Seriously I would find out a little here, some of that over there, a sprinkle of this up there, and so on. Can’t someone, for the love of God, just tell me everything I need to know??

I have an easygoing husband, no problem there, an itch for adventure, and 2 t(w)een daughters (Yess, ALL Prayers accepted, girl moms are you with me?) who may or may not be in a mood that day. I need a travel plan and all the tips in one place to make my every adventure PERFECT! So that’s when I decided to do it myself or try anyways.

I want every question asked and answered, as in no stone left unturned, and THAT is my goal for every blog post I publish!!

As a family, we love to find new things to do together, ok that’s a lie. My tween would disagree but only because her favorite things to do are to be annoyed by me and sit in her room all day. So I should rephrase and say I love to find new places to explore and dragging my family along is a given. Although the pure satisfaction I get from hearing my teen admit something is “lit” (*eyerolls* for all teen terminology), or to see my tween laugh in enjoyment is immeasurable.

I started this blog for fun and to inspire other families to find their next adventure.

My plan? Start a blog and get a million repins for each post on Pinterest. I’m halfway there! Isn’t that exciting?! It was that easy…to start a blog I mean, that’s the “half” I’ve accomplished. The other “half” is still a work in progress. I literally have 1 repin and it might very possibly be me from my personal account. IT’S SO HARD YALL! But I’m a determined person and I’ve already buckled in people!

We are from a small town in the foothills of North Carolina and we love living here. We both are new to our 40s and it’s been pretty good so far.

My husband is a real estate appraiser, no not a real estate agent, an appraiser. He can’t sell you a property but he can tell you how much it’s worth. Snoozeville I know, but he loves it.

I on the other hand get paid to talk for a living, I’m a dental hygienist with 18 years of experience. Anyone who works with the public knows that’s long enough to of written a book from everything I’ve heard and can’t unhear. People are crazy yall! Our daughters keep us busy with volleyball and the theater. In between is where we squeeze in our adventures.

💜💜💜Also worth noting is my OBSESSION with purple. All those crazy purple people videos you find on the web, yup that’s me. I just can’t help it. I’m out of control! 💜💜💜.

More importantly tho I love the Lord and every new adventure shows me just how amazing Our God truly is.

I would love for you to join me on this journey. Subscribe below by adding your name and email. If you find I’m lacking in my blog posts, please comment and let me know how I can be better or better yet just comment to say Hello!

Until Next Time…Keep Adventuring!💜